Thursday, September 25, 2008

My First Weekend Home

When my parents came to Dallas for family weekend my mom told me that she thought I should come home soon. She said it seemed like I missed my old friends a lot, and I hadn’t even realized it. I talked about my old friends so much. So when my parents were leaving she said “Just let me know whenever you want to come home.” I hadn’t really thought about going home anytime soon, but later in the week I kept getting phone calls from all my friends back home saying how much they missed me and wanted me to come visit.

I came to the conclusion to ask my mom if I could come home this weekend. She did not seem surprised at all by my question, she knew it was coming. She gladly arranged my flight for me and sent me the boarding pass to print out. I am so excited to be going home and I never realized how much I missed my friends until my mom hinted to me that I was always talking about them. My best friend from high school is picking me up at the airport and we are going out to dinner to talk about our college experiences. I can’t wait to hear all about what she’s done, and I know she feels the same way. Yeah, we talk on the phone at least twice a week so I know somewhat of what’s going on with her life, but discussing things in person is much better.

After we go to dinner we are heading to her apartment to get together with all of our old friends and just hang out there for the night. On Saturday I am going to the LSU football game. This is going to be the peak of my weekend. LSU games are always a memorable experience. The fans are so wild and the games are the exact same. It is unheard of the just tailgate for an LSU game. It shocked me when I came here to see how many people don’t go to the football games.

After my long day on Saturday I will most likely go to bed early to get rest for my early flight on Sunday to head back to Dallas. This is going to be my first time home since school began and I am ecstatic about seeing all of my friends. I hope to stay in touch with m best friends from high school throughout my entire life. Everyone needs a long-lasting relationship in their life; it shows you who your real friends are.

1 comment:

Paris Hilton said...

NOLA girl! I completely agree with you about tailgating here at SMU. What the heck is "boulevarding?" I grew up going to Tigerland every Saturday morning bright and early to spend the day tailgating and getting ready for the game! Here, it's not really a big deal. It blows my mind. I can't wait to go home for a little Tiger football!