Saturday, November 1, 2008

Should I Live Alone?

Living by yourself in college would have its advantages and disadvantages. One of its advantages is having your own space. You could decorate the any way you like. You would not have to worry about getting home late because you would know that there is no one waiting for you. And as far as visitors go, you could invite anyone over that you wanted without having to wonder whether or not my roommate liked them, and you could entertain guests for the weekend without having them get in my roommate's way.

I know I’ll look for any excuse not to work, and if someone else is there, I have someone to talk to and a reason to stop my work. Having a single would give me fewer ways to procrastinate. Freshman year, I had to make the long cold trek to the library; with a single, my room is always a cozy study space with all of my creature comforts around me.

Sleep at college is very important. You’ll be working furiously hard most of the time, and when you’re not, you’ll want to sleep. With a single, you can go to bed at 4am without having to work with a flashlight under the sheets because your roommate wants to get to bed at nine, and you don’t have to wake up at 5am to the sound of your early-rising roommate’s alarm.

Living alone could be quite a challenge too. Although you would have an undisturbed sleep, you would not get immediate help when needed. If you were running late, no one would help you prepare your things. It also feels empty not to have someone when you go home. However, this is a matter of choice and circumstances. In order to be happy with what you have, you should learn to appreciate the things that you can do. For some people, the idea of living alone seems boring and uneventful, while others like their privacy.

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