Thursday, April 9, 2009

Wow, You've Changed

When my parents came to visit me last weekend, they both commented on how much I’ve “changed.” I didn’t really understand this, because I don’t feel like I have changed at all. Yes, I live away from home and have made new friends, but I feel like I am the same person I was in high school. My father said that I have changed into a young lady, rather than a girl, and my mother said that I have become much more independent and sure of myself. They both suggested that it could be because I went to a college where I knew basically no one else.

The majority my friends from high school went to LSU, which is only 1 hour away from home. Everyone still hangs out with the same people and no one has really changed. When I go visit my friends at LSU I feel like I am in high school again. Maybe that’s why I’ve changed, when I’m at SMU I do not feel like I am still in high school. At SMU I have more freedom and more opportunities, and I have to make important decisions myself. If I get into trouble here, I don’t have my parents an hour away to come save me. I have never really thought about how going away to college has changed me, but once it was pointed out to me, I realized that it really has. I no longer go to my parents for every single problem that I have because I know that they can’t really do anything about it because they are far away. There are many differences between high school and college, and even more differences if you decide to go to a college away from home.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Over Easter my parents told me the exact same thing! Prior to coming to SMU, I had lived in Arizona my entire life. I was so used to doing the same thing with the same group of people that I never really had a chance to become independent. Moving to Dallas by myself was the best thing I could have done. Similar to your high school friends at LSU, all of my high school attends ASU and U of A. When I am home I enjoy vising old friends but it amazes how they have not yet moved on. I feel that by starting fresh in a new place, such as SMU was for me, I was able to gain the independence, freedom, and change that I needed to become a young adult!