Saturday, February 28, 2009

Comment on Littlecoe4's blog

I commented on Littlecoe4's blog about the flu epidemic at SMU but the URL wouldn't work.

This is my comment:
I know exactly how you feel about being SICK of being sick. I feel like I am sick at least every 2 weeks here. I know a lot of my friends feel this way too. I feel like every week someone that I know is sick. I was also shocked when I heard that if 15 more people went to the health center with the flu, school would close. I knew something was really serious after I heard that. The bathrooms in the dorm are cleaned every day, but is that enough during a time when a large percent of our school population is sick? During that time, there were 4 girls on my hall with the flu. Every time I went to the bathroom I made sure to wash my hands upon entering and leaving. My roommate wouldn't even use our bathroom; she went to her grandmother's house to shower. My roommate actually ended up catching the flu and staying at her grandmother’s house until she got well.

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